Frequently Asked Questions

A Short Summary Of Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The CUTS Token And The CUTS Box

As soon as you bring the unique ID generated by the website to a shopkeeper or vendor, your account will be recharged with that amount. It will reflect in your account within 5 minutes of recharge.

The CUTS box acts as a physical wallet for the merchant. NFC transactions do not require connectivity for the consumer part. For the merchants, money transfer requires connection(but not seamless). The box is itself acquired with network connectivity, but can work with external Wi-Fi as well. In case there is no internet for several days, transactions can still go on uninterrupted. All your records are safe.Moreover the merchant can also take the money from the box (physical wallet) in mode of cash*.

Report in the website as soon as you find out that you have lost your card. We will block the card associated with your phone number & a new card will be generated with your Id. Your remaining amount will be restored in that card.

We are currently working on the application. We will launch it as soon as possible.

We try to update the details as soon as possible, but it depends where you have currently paid/recharged (depending on the network on that area). Maximum delay can be 24 hours.

You can contact us on the provided number or you can simply mail us with your pincode. We will get back to you with the nearest location.

What if the box is lost/stolen or destroyed? The offline amount is regularly synced, in case of very poor network area, it might take some time to retrace the proper amount, but no amount will be lost.

There is no holding amount, but you need to have minimum balance of 10 rupees to carry out transactions.

Once you login to our app(by your upi enabled phone number), cashbacks are directly credited your account.In case you do not have upi enabled, you also recieve cashbacks during recharges throigh the cuts box.

Yes, you can use UPI or Netbanking or any of your preferred choice by clicking on the recharge page of our portal.